17/6/24 - Realities

Since I last posted I can’t say a lot has happened in my PhD world. This is mostly because I have been musical director of four really big shows which were essentially closing down celebrations for the Aussie hip hop label Elefant Traks. For this job I did a huge load of arranging which took a fair bit of time, booked and organised the band, liaised with the hip hop artists and production people, played trumpet, rehearsed a lot, and travelled. It was a huge honour to have been brought on board for these meaningful shows. This is a label that unapologetically speaks truth to power. 

Despite all this I haven’t been entirely idle with my PhD work. Underwards had a gig in May where we premiered two new pieces; Cormorant’s Dive (a Ganguddy piece) and Beach Ball Gambol (an Iron Cove piece). In previous blog posts I wrote a bit about the visits to these places and the initial ideas that sparked these pieces in previous posts. Also, Spectra Jazz Orchestra premiered A Place, A Day, A Summer (a Bulgamatta piece). I’ve booked Underwards in to do some recording at ANU in July, where we’ll record all the PhD pieces so far - The Scrubs, Not Yet, Cormorant’s Dive and Beach Ball Gambol. 

I’ve begun to think of all of my PhD pieces as co-written by Country. It kind of seems like a no-brainer, considering how central the sentience of Country and relationality are in my research and processes. The music is a result of time spent with Country, and things learnt from Country, so to say I am the sole creator would be inaccurate. 

And speaking of spending time with Country, I did manage to sneak in a visit to one of my Bulgamatta/Grose Valley spots a couple of weeks ago, on a cold morning before an afternoon of heavy rain set in. It was sorely needed, and I’d have liked a longer visit. Being there made me consider realities, specifically the different realities in my life lately. The reality where I’m sitting on a rock shelf in a high place overlooking a beautiful expanse and watching the grey shades in the clouds change, listening to wind rising and falling and noticing sheets of rain falling in the distance is a far cry from the reality where I’m on my computer listening in minute, repetitive detail to the various elements of hip hop tracks and notating them or re-interpreting them for a band (or typing, as I am now). And both are a fair way from being on a big stage in front of a big crowd, playing trumpet alongside a bunch of other performers. Life is weird. And interesting. And for all of these activities I’m still on Country, on stolen land. But it’s just easier to think about that, for me, when I’m in a place like Bulgamatta, on my own, outside of places humans have made for ourselves. 

There’s a point to be made here about anthropocentrism; humans being pretty into ourselves. Being in a place like Bulgamatta that is not full of what settler-coloniser humans have created is a good reminder of that, and the pieces of music co-created by myself and Country are my attempt at acknowledging that I’m not so special, that Country deserves recognition for its part in the creation of this music. 

I’ve gotta say, I’ve missed getting into this kind of thinking lately. I really haven’t had the brain space and time for thoughts to bump around and collide in interesting ways since about the start of April. I have tried a few times but have been too tired and unfocused. Getting back into “the PhD zone” will take me a little while but I’m excited for those cogs to get spinning again. It’s satisfying and energising. Even just writing this feels very good, and I wasn’t sure where it would go when I got started. So, hopefully it won’t be long until you read some more from me here. 


18/8/24 - 4 Pieces


7/4/24 - Not Much But a Lot